University of Sioux Falls

USF Alumni

University of Sioux Falls

Alumni Achievement Awards Nomination

USF is dedicated to honoring the outstanding achievements of our graduates. A committee comprised of USF alumni pores over the nominations received and selects the recipient for each Alumni Achievement Award. This committee is a diverse group that may or may not have information regarding your nominee so please include as much detail in your nomination as possible as further research is not possible by the committee.

Eligible nominees include alumni of the University of Sioux Falls. All nominees and nominators are highly encouraged to make plans to attend our Cougar Days homecoming festivities and the annual Alumni Achievement Awards Dinner where the deserving recipient for each award is recognized.

If you have any questions about the process or the nomination form, please contact us at


Please indicate the appropriate award category:

Established in 1986, the Alumni Pacesetter Award is presented to University of Sioux Falls alumni of 35 years of age or under. This award recognizes alumni who have made a noticeable impact in their chosen field. Demonstrating Christian values and faith, nominees should have achieved noteworthy accomplishments through outstanding leadership and creativity.
In honor of Dr. A.O. Larsen, this award recognizes his many years of distinguished service as a teacher, dean, and friend of USF. The award acknowledges alumni who have been out of school five or more years and who reflect honor upon the University by their service to church, humankind, and profession.
This award is named in honor of Dr. Firman A. Early, an esteemed faculty member of the University of Sioux Falls from 1944 to 1978. This award recognizes alumni who have completed at least ten years of ministry and have demonstrated exemplary leadership in Christian ministry, their church and their community.
In honor of Lois Harchanko, this award recognizes her many years of distinguished service as a teacher, mentor, and friend of USF. The award acknowledges alumni who reflect honor upon the University by their accomplishments in the field of music and to their church, humankind, and their profession.

Nominee Information

Please enter all known information for the individual you wish to nominate for an award. If unknown, leave field blank.

First Name
Last Name
Maiden Name (if applicable)
Graduation Year
State / Region
ZIP / Postal Code
Cell/Home Phone Number
Email Address

Tell us about this candidate’s career highlights and professional achievements and any honors or awards.

How has this person continued to carry forth USF’s mission of service to God and humankind in the world?

What other information should the selection committee know that makes this person a great candidate for this award?

Additional Information

Does the candidate know of this nomination?

Your Information

Please enter your information below.

Nominated By
Cell/Home Phone Number
Email Address

I would like to remain anonymous as the nominator.